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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Some recommended books to read and help us through the primary exam

Hi... Just some recommended books and websites that are useful for readings and references:


  1. Guyton and Hall Medical Physiology - the few chapters on CVS are excellent and everything is explained in details. Guyton and Hall
  2. Ganong Medical Physiology - concise and power packed. But the American English may put some people off. Ganong
  3. LANGE Cardiovascular Physiology series - very comprehensive review on CVS. Strongly recommended if you havent had any CVS reference with you. Lange


  1. Respiratory Physiology JB West - THE book of choice for respiratory system. Simple and concise, written in grandfather story-telling style. Jb West
  2. Pulmonary Physiology By M Levitzsky - an alternative to the JB west. Written by American. So no grandfather stories and in certain chapters, more detailed than JB West. Levitzsky
  3. Nunn's Respiratory Physiology - This is THE BIBLE of respiratory physiology. Most people will use it as reference rather than core textbook. But if you are dying to impress the examiners, go ahead. Nunn
  4. Guyton Medical Physiology and Ganong and any other physiology textbooks can be used. But the above 3 were written mainly related to anaesthesia and hence very attuned to matters related to anaesthesia. Therefore, it would be better to have those books than the pure physiology books per se. 

  1. Principle of Physiology for Anaesthetist by Peter Kam - This legendary author is actually a Malaysian born Australian currently residing in you-know-where. He comes to the masters intensive course or as examiners. His book's chapter in CNS physiology is concise and simple to understand. But additional information may need to be obtained from other sources. Peter Kam
  2. Ganong Medical Physiology
  3. Guyton Medical Phsyiology

GIT / Hepatobiliary 
  1. Principle of Physiology for Anaesthetist by Peter Kam. This book is quite sufficient for the GIT and liver system. But for liver system, especially when you read on drug metabolism by liver, there will be a section on calculating liver blood flow. For this, recommended textbook will be Ganong Medical Physiology.

Maternal-Neonatal Physiology
  1. Principle of Physiology for Anaesthetist by Peter Kam. This is the only recommended book, and it is very well written. 

  1. Principles and Practice of Pharmacology for Anaesthetists by Norman and Norton. A very comprehensive and concise book for pharmacology. A must have I would say. Unfortunately, I only discovered this book after I had passed the part 1. Norman and Norton.
  2. Pharmacology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care by Peck and Hill - This is a good book to read as a start if you are really new to pharmacology. It covers superficially of all the pharmacological topics in the primary exam. But it is NOT sufficient to use this book to pass the primary exam, I am very sure about it. So, use this book to grasp a basic understanding or an overview of the pharmacology topics before reading them in details. Peck & Hill
  3. Pharmacology and Physiology in Anaesthetic Practice by Robert Stoelting - This is considered the BIBLE of pharmacology for anaesthesia and most will use it as reference. But it is more than welcome to have the entire pharmacology section in your brain before the exam. Start reading early and you will be able to finish them. Stoelting

Clinical Measurement:
  1. Basic Physics & Measurement in Anaesthesia, by Prabook - Although it is written as BASIC physics, it is actually quite detailed when you read through. Furthermore, on the cover of the book, you will not find the author Prabook on it because this author died after the first edition was published. You will only find his name in the foreword of the book. Basic physics and measurement
  2. Essentials of Anaesthetic Equipments by Baha Al-Sheikh - This book mainly for part 2 of the exam but some of the info are still relevant for part 1. Have a look if you have the time. Baha Al-Sheikh
Above all, Kerry Brandis Viva of Physiology is a MUST have. Please get a copy if you havent had one.
Other recommended books include the following:
  1. Fundamentals of Anaesthesia by Tim Smith and Pinnock. It is a decent book to read on all aspects about physiology and pharmacology. For the pre-master, you can use this book for the entire physiology and pharmacology. Pinnock
  2. Clinical Anesthesiology by Morgan and Mikhail- Although this book has always been lauded as a MUST have for part 2 exam, it actually contains alot of information for primary exams, because the first few chapters is always on organ system based reviews. Usually it comes in 2 chapters - First chapter will be physiology of an organ, e,g, respiratory system, and implication to anaesthesia, followed by another chapter about anaesthesia for patients with respiratory problems. The pharmacology part is very interesting to read also because it incorporates clinical practice into pharmacology. Morgan Mikhail
  3. Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care by Sasada - This booklet helps alot in answering MCQs because it has all indication and contraindications and side effects and etc etc for all the drugs. So, can swallow the book just before the MCQs. Sasada
  4. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care A to Z by Gary Smith. This is actually more of a dictionary but alot of useful information regarding definitions and formulas included. A-Z 

Online resources:
  1. Anaesthesia MCQ - An online resources of MCQs, SAQs and etc.
  2. Mark Finnis Notes - Mark Finnis is an anaesthetist working at Adelaide Hospital.He has written quite a lot of notes pertaining to Anaesthesia. For the primary exam, just check on primary ANZCA examination notes.
  3.  ANZCA primary notes  - Relatively new website but contains alot of recent / latest questions from the ANZCA exams.
  4. FRCA primary exam recommended books - This website contains some recommended books for primary exam of FRCA.

That's all I could think of. Feel free to add in if you have come across other useful books or links. Sharing is caring. Dont be shy and dont be selfish.

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