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Monday, June 19, 2017

SAQ Physiology Discussion with Dr. Tan HS

Hi all, Dr Tan has put forward a few good SAQ physiology for discussion. I do hope you guys utilise this masters blog to enrich both yourself and others in training.


1) Describe the ionic basis for automaticity of cardiac pacemaker.

2) Classify the cause of hypotension in the early postoperative period, giving relevant examples (divide answer into preload, afterload and myocardial contractility).

3) Describe the determinants of venous return and the effect of general anaesthesia would have on these.

4) Draw a pressure volume loop for the left ventricle in a normal adult. Outline the information that can be obtained from such a loop.

5) Explain the physiological processes involved in the development of interstitial edema.

link to answers: